Upcoming Events
Past Events
How to Survive on Another Planet
Space Bites September 2018
Live Event for Mission Alpha 1st EVA
ARTE June 2021 (in French)
Les plantes: passage obligé pour l'exploration martienne
Webinar APM#8 May 2022 (in French)

Odyssée interstellaire : embarquement immédiat. December 16 décembre, 2023, 16:00. Jacques Arnould, Roland Lehoucq, Lucie Poulet, Florence Porcel, Olivier Parent.
Space Research to Live Sustainably on Earth
TEDxClermont October 2016 (in French)
Un aller simple pour mars (with Florence Porcel)
TEDxMinesNancy Mars 2015 (in French)
Espace: les femmes aux avant-postes!
CNES Event April 2021 (in French)
“After Rotonde” L'exploration martienne
La Rotonde March 2021 (in French)

I had the immense honor to be one of the 60th anniversary of C'Space event godmother together with Ursula Aniakou, and to participate in the Space and Environment discussion panel on the evening of July 21, 2023.

I had the immense honor to be the event godmother for the 28th edition of Prix Espace & Industrie, on December 16, 2023.