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Experience as a Test Subject

Analog missions

​Read everything about my 4 analog missions (from 2014 to 2017) on my former blog and for my last mission at MDRS (2015), you can read about it here.

Watch videos about our first week and a typical day at MDRS in 2015 (crew 148), by Florence Porcel (in French).

Parabolic Flight

Experiment performed in Novespace A320 Zero-G airplane for the Department of Sport Science of the University of Freiburg (Germany) in October 2018. The objective was to assess calf muscle activation and mechanics during jumps within 0.1g to 2.0g. 

Mars Cave Exploration Simulation

Testing procedure and equipment in the cave "Les Petites-Dales" in Normandy (France), in May 2016 with Alain Souchier (Planete Mars): walking, crawling, climbing down with rope, while wearing a mock spacesuit. Learn more about it here.

Optimal Team Design

Participant in underwater and lava-tube challenges in 2019 for AdvancingX, to develop a tool to optimize team design for space missions.


Underwater Challenge. Credits: Advancing X

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